Shamanism is the earliest spiritual practice known to humankind, dating back an estimated 30,000 years, appearing on nearly every continent and in various cultures. A shaman is an individual who is considered to have one foot in the physical world, one foot in the spiritual world. Historically, shamans were communicators between the tribe and the environment, receiving information from the spirits on how to keep the community in harmony and balance. They also acted as healers for the individuals within the community, addressing the physical, mental, and spiritual imbalances that can prompt disease or disorder.

Shamanic healing can benefit anyone. Throughout our lives, we either inherit or absorb beliefs about ourselves or the world around us that act as protective devises. The physical brain looks for any information that it can work into it’s paradigm of the world in order to move forth and thrive. Unfortunately, the brain is willing to accept beliefs that are simply not true. This happens during traumatic situations–the mind will adopt a blanket belief about the way something is in order to avoid future pain. When there is a success story behind a belief or action, it becomes implemented and a part of the “way things are”. As we grow and expand, we begin to learn that not all of our beliefs are serving our highest potential.

In order to clear a limiting belief, we must address several components. The first is targeting the subconscious adaptation of the belief. The second is isolating how this belief performs within the body both physically and energetically. For example, a lack of confidence may result in poor posture, or lack of eye contact. Not only are these perceptible through body language, but they influence how we perform in our lives and how we manifest our dreams into being. These patterns that grow from beliefs also influence the energy balance and flow in the body. Harmonious energy flow through the body assists us in being well rounded, loving, and empathetic beings.

Not only do we carry around personal beliefs, but we are constantly operating within a matrix of ancestral, societal, cultural, and worldwide beliefs. Often times, the energetic clearing that I do in a session can touch on ancestral healing, as well as past life healing. Soul retrieval is the process of healing a past life trauma that has been carried into this life time.

My sessions take place remotely on Zoom, and I accept in person sessions on a case by case basis until further notice. Sessions last approximately 2 hours and I recommend clearing your schedule afterwards to as to give yourself space to relax. Sometimes big shifts happen and it is important to provide yourself with compassion and gentleness. My priority is in serving the community, which is why I offer a sliding scale payment structure: $75 – $125. I also offer discounted rates for bundle sessions.


Illumination is the chakra cleansing process of a session. Once we identify the unwanted pattern the client wants to heal, we target the heavy emotions associated with that pattern. I pinpoint the chakras most affected by this pattern and clear each one, to ensure energy is flowing freely. Once the heavy energies are released, I go through every chakra and introducing white, healing light.

Decoupling is a technique that can be used to comfort someone in distress, current or long term. The heart and sacral chakras get synced with the rhythm of Mother Earth. There is a natural pace/rhythm to the human body, which synchronizes with the frequency of the Earth. As beings of the Earth, we can often feel dissociated if we are operating outside of that innate frequency. Decoupling can bring a sense of peace and comfort.

Crystallized Energies are physical traumas from previous lifetimes that have a wounded story attached to them. They may correlate to physical injuries in this life, and when there is an emotional connection to a wound, it becomes difficult for our physical body to repair, release, and move on. Providing healing attention to a crystallized energy can both alleviate physical symptoms, as well as the limiting beliefs attached to that past trauma.

Soul Contract refers to a limiting belief from a past life. Initially set in place by a traumatic experience, the soul will accept a certain way of being, like a clouded lens to perceive the world through. When a client is experiencing the persistence of an unwanted pattern despite consecutive efforts to remedy it, a soul contract is likely at play. 

Soul Retrieval is the process of reclaiming a fragment of the soul that has fled as a trauma response. In the absence of a piece of the soul, a soul contract will act as a wall, a mask, or a bandage to that wound. During a soul retrieval, I journey to discover where the original wounding was and the contract developed from that experience. I clear the contract, and return the soul fragment.

Cord Cutting is the process of clearing an unhealthy bond between individuals through space and time. Cords can develop in relationships that are based in codependency or lack healthy boundaries. Sometimes these cords are attached to family members or loved ones. Be assured that cutting a cord in no way means that you do not care about someone anymore, it simply frees the unhealthy connection, allowing healing into relationships.

Spirit Flight is the process of allowing a temporary disconnect between the energetic and physical body so that a client may experience freedom of exploration. Many people rise from the Earth and have cosmic experiences, others stay Earthbound and explore places familiar to them, or places they have never visited. Sometimes connections with deceased loved ones occur, or messages from a higher power.

Destiny Retrieval includes journeying to the upper world, creating a connection with the client’s spirit guide, and prompting questions around the client’s gifts, highest destiny, healed state, and action steps towards actualizing that destiny. I only perform this technique if the client is already on a healing path, clearing what holds them back. This helps ensure any guidance received will be implemented by the client. 

Journeying refers to the visitation to spirit guides or other realms. I visit the upper world to gather information related to destiny or spiritual matters. The lower world is associated with past lives and ancestry. I drum to journey, which offers a receptive state where Spirit or Source can guide me with representative images, symbols, or impressions appropriate to the client’s healing.

Spirit Attachment refers to souls that have “unfinished business” or fear around moving on. Many stay connected to this physical realm, clinging to people or places, instead of passing on to the next destination. In the process of removal, the shaman will communicate with the entity and assist it through a healing process, and guide the spirit towards the next realm, allowing the attachment to this earthly plane to be released. 

Mythic Mapping concludes each session. It is important to remember that removing any limiting beliefs opens up space for new beliefs. You get to fill that space with the most powerful, inspiring, truthful mantra that speaks to who you were before the wound occurred; Thus returning to your natural state of joy and wholeness. The mythic mapping statement is your “homework” so to speak, in order to embody your new way of being!

Despacho refers to a prayer bundle that carries intention. An Ayni Despacho calls forth a sense of balance, manifesting “right relation” between the land and community. It is seen as a gift or offering to God, Spirit, Universe, or Source. A Kutti Despacho is for surrendering or transforming heavy, dense, and stagnant energy in one’s life.