“Brittany was incredibly valuable to my healing journey. Brittany’s insight helped me heal issues that have been holding me back for years. She gets to the core of the matter and offers such great compassionate guidance. Her kindness and insight made me feel at ease from the start. She is a natural, gifted healer. I know she will bless others like she’s blessed my life.”


“I had the pleasure of participating in a cord cutting with Brittany and I wanted to share my experience.  Over the past year I have been going through a difficult breakup with my partner and there have been a lot of heartbreak and negative emotions that I just can’t seem to get past.  One of the biggest issues I have had is a lack of control over the anger that this situation has caused.  I have felt as though there is an entirely different person inside me that takes over when confronted with my negative interactions with my ex.  It left me feeling drained and defeated and despite daily meditation, it seemed as though a solution to these emotions was far away.

I had not proactively sought out help for my troubles, so when my sister recommended a cord cutting (something I hadn’t heard of before) with Brittany, I was very open to the experience.  I have had therapists in the past and have experimented with spiritual molecules (hallucinogens), and while there were beneficial effects, nothing has compared to the results I experienced with the cord cutting.  

Despite Brittany being a complete stranger, and the communication through a substandard medium (phone call), my experience was truly profound.  By handing over my energy and allowing myself to succumb to the cord cutting, I was able to understand the emotions I had been feeling more clearly than I had before.  She guided me to focus on the physical and spiritual suffering.  It was clear from the first few minutes of letting go that something special was happening.  I am hesitant to describe the experience in great detail because it was largely ineffable. What is more important is that afterwards, I nearly felt weightless with a baseline of tranquil joy.  The thought of communicating with my ex no longer bothered me and I came to realize that my emotions are not dependent on her anymore.  Brittany provided me with a great mantra to use that arose organically through the practice, and I have been using it ever since.

The biggest surprise of the whole experience was when I was informed that she was relatively new to these sorts of practices.  The wisdom and energy she provided me felt ancient and timeless all at the same time.  I was not prodded or poked to write these words in any way.  My motivation is simply to attempt to return some of the positive energy that she blessed me with and to give any of her future clients a first hand account that she is a magical person.  Brittany will impart an amazing force on this world and I am sure that her future clients will have the same experience that I have had.

Thank you Brittany and may you thrive with the universal love that radiates from you!”


“In a word, wonderful! I was admittedly a little skeptical about doing a session over the phone, but I was more than pleased with the results. This was my first session and I wasn’t sure what to expect. Brittany recommended a general chakra clearing and energy cleansing. I could really feel Brittany working out my blockages and stagnant energy, in both my energetic and physical bodies! She did some word prompting based on my specific blocked chakras and asked me to notice my reaction, without judgement, to each word she introduced. Every word seemed to ring very true to my current situation and emotional state. The session ended with light from the sunset pouring through my windows and seeming to fill me up. I felt lighter, at peace, and more understanding of myself. While I do a lot of soul-searching and analysis, I found her ‘random’ word prompting to have triggered an even deeper understanding of my blockages and their root causes and even my unconscious reactions to them. I can only highly recommend her to others, for this was legitimately healing! Truly therapy for the soul, Brittany seemed to be able to address the problems I was feeling without us even discussing them. Go see this woman.”


“The Shamanic healing session was an amazing experience. I didn’t know what to expect and Brittany took the time to explain the whole process. Everything that came up was exactly on point and what needed to be targeted. The healing brought up a specific area in my body where I have been in pain for a long time. Upon the healing session ended I felt such a difference. My body feels lighter and I feel great. Brittany is an amazing worker and healer and I look forward in working with her again.”



Brittany approaches her work with grace and a soothing demeanor; I felt safe while under her care and came out of the session more relaxed and more attuned to my body and what I needed to work on or pay more attention to. Brittany is wise beyond her years and is skilled at what she does. I will definitely be coming back and making this a regular practice for myself!
